The brightest folks for positive impact organizations

We have one goal: to match the best talent with the most inspiring positive impact companies.

A moonshot mission to find your future A-players

We are not only sourcing scouts. When we take on a success-fees mission, we only have one goal, to deliver you the best recruitment experience by bringing value at every step of the process.

Briefing definition

Help you define the right vision
for your recruitment.

Candidate assessment

Pre-select the best candidates in line with your requirements.

Interview support

Take time to give sharp, accurate and helpful feedbacks.

Contract negociation

Support you to get the best possible deal that makes everyone happy.

Onboarding & integration

Multiple touchpoints with the freshman to make sure everything is well on track.

Trial period warranty

It didn’t work? Sometimes it happens. You can trust us to not let you down.

Your best man under your roof

When you lack time, resources, tools or processes, but you need to recruit fast and big. Our in-house recruiter helps you do all of this. And more.

A dedicated recruiter

Your in-house buddy working internally with your team.

Internal recruitment 360°

Help you define and tackle all of your recruitment topics.

Recruitment process

Help you set up all of your recruitment steps: interviews, business case, skill tests.

Tools structuration

Choose the right stack to smoothen your recruitment operations.

Hiring managers

Help you optimize time management and resource allocation for hiring managers in the recruitment process.

Onboarding  and Integration

Help you setup the best possible
onboarding experience.

We've partnered with the leading impact investors in France

The most promising positive impact startups and scaleups are all backed by the best VCs. This is good news because we work with them.

We'd love to talk about your recruitment

We send right to your mailbox a bunch of our top-notch C-Levels profiles looking for new opportunities in impact